Sunday, January 25, 2009

Douche #6: Rush Hudson Limbaugh III

Welcome back kids.

I have to say, with the dawn of the new administration the wingnuts on the right have gone straight apoplectic. The symbolic leader of the dying neo-conservative "intellectual" movement seems to be foaming at the mouth like a spoiled child (which he is) who finally got punished for being a brat (which he is). Yes, that is right, today's Daily Douche is the fat, obnoxious, drug-addled, over-privileged, verbal-whore who calls himself Rush Hudson Limbaugh the Third.

"Why?" You ask? Well, lets just say that Rushie's latest little hissy fits have shown his true, and horrifically ugly, colors. Need some examples? Well, here are just a few to come out lately.

  • Rushie, in all his 70-pt IQ glory, thinks that Americans are only hoping to have Obama succeed because his father was black. Just like he thought we all were routing for Donovan McNabb because he is black. Listen Rushworth, we support guys like Obama and McNabb because they're good at what they do and, unlike your lazy ass, they actually do something useful.
  • Mr. Oxycontin also openly stated that he hopes that Obama "fails." His only justification for this treasonous language is that "liberals" hoped the same thing for Bush. Well a little bit of information to get through your enormous skull you troglodyte... none of us hoped Bush failed. We were all hoping he WOULDN'T fail so miserably because we all had to deal with the consequences.
  • Finally, the man who unabashedly displays his own ignorant racist views had the moment of brilliance to announce that racism is the "exclusive province of the left." Okay, we all know you're a college drop out, but with such shallow ineptitude of historical knowledge, how the hell did you graduate high-school? Where you frigging home-schooled??? Remind me again of the political views of Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, and David Duke? Oh yeah... they're right-wing Republicans like you.
Here's an idea Rush. If you got your head out of your ass, maybe it's gigantic size wouldn't be constraining your prostate and you wouldn't need medications to get your limp dick up when you're with under-aged prostitutes in Dominican Republic. If actually got off said fat ass and did something useful instead of just talk, you'd lose some weight, appear like a normal human being, and perhaps not have to pay for sex. Just a suggestion.

So all things aside, it is with great honor that I bestow today's Daily Douche on Rush Hudson Limbaugh the III, False Profit of the Ignorant, Leader of the Damned, Follower of the Limp Penis.


Ted said...

WTF, at least El Rushbo is constitutionally qualified to be President!

Rush Limbaugh was born in 1951 to an American mom "Millie" and an American dad lawyer & WWII fighter pilot in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Since 'President' Obama now wants to silence El Rushbo even before BHO has a chance to re-establish the "fairness doctrine" to silence all conservative talk radio, I've got three questions (but answers to only two of them):

FIRST QUESTION: Who IS the actual and lawful 44th President of the USA?

ANSWER: Joe Biden

Biden was initially the Acting President for at least 5 minutes under either the Constitution’s Article 2 or the Constitution’s 20th Amendment, from 12:00 Noon 1/20/09, having already taken his Oath of Office and before Obama completed his ‘oath’ at approximately 12:05 PM, 1/20/09. Under the 20th Amendment if the President-elect shall have failed to qualify, or alternatively under Article 2 if the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term, being 12:00 Noon 1/20/09, which ability and/or qualification includes that he take the Article 2 oath “before he enter on the execution of his office,” then either the Presidency shall devolve on the Vice President under Article 2 or the Vice President shall act as President under the 20th Amendment. (The importance of the oath in ‘commencing’ an ‘Obama Presidency’ — rather than merely the 1/20/09 Noon time — is confirmed by the re-take of the ‘oath’ by Obama at the White House on 1/21/09 after the first ‘oath’ was NOT administered by Justice Roberts NOR recited by Obama in the words as required under Article 2.)

This is significant because at such time that the Supreme Court finally rules on the merits on Obama’s disqualification as not being an Article 2 “natural born citizen” (clearly he is NOT, on either and/or both of two bases -- (1) BHO refuses to show Birth Certificate to deny Kenyan birth/res ipsa loquitur "action speaks for itself" or (2) BHO admits dad was Kenyan/British, not American, citizen at Jr's birth), Biden’s automatic status (without needing to take a separate Presidential Oath) of being President would be predicated upon four different bases: First, having been Vice President under Article 2; second, having been Vice President-elect under the 20th Amendment; third, having been actual President in the hiatus before Obama took the ‘oath(s)’; and fourth, retroactively deemed President during the full period of the Obama usurpation so that the acts of the Federal Government under the usurpation can be deemed authorized and/or ratified by Biden’s legitimacy.

SECOND QUESTION: Who will be the 45th President?

ANSWER: Hillary Clinton

One must assume that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been aware of all of the above. Biden’s wife recently “let the cat out of the bag” on the Oprah Show that both Biden and Hillary had considered alternatively Veep or Secretary of State, in either case, setting up Hillary to be President on a vote of the Democratic Congress if need be.

THIRD QUESTION: Is Obama an unwitting victim of this troika or a knowing participant?

ANSWER: Not yet determined.

T2 said...

Whew... the nut-jobs finally start coming out. Talk about being ignorant of many MANY things. Aside from being off-topic (Rush may be qualified, but he's still a Douche), you're just fundamentally wrong about well... everything.

First off, Obama met all the legal requirements of the inauguration process. He stated the required oath (2 freaking times) on the required time through the required ceremony.

If you're going to argue about wording, then you might as well nullify Nixon from the list of unauthorized presidents because he refused to use the word "swear." In addition, you might as well nix most of the early Presidents because the phrase "so help me God" is not in the Constitutional oath. So how about it Ted... care to re-write history in your delusions?

Second, if you're going to do the whole wing-nut "no Bible the second time around" argument, then you need to nix LBJ and Teddy Roosevelt from the list as well. Although, no where does it require the bible to even be there.

Third, no one... listen closely cause I'll say it again... NO ONE is talking about re-establishing the "fairness doctrine." That's just what right-wing nut jobs whine whenever they get called on their crap (or when their ratings begin to drop).

You see... the problem with listening to people with their heads up their ass is that all they see is nothing but crap.

Anonymous said...

Besides Obama's mother was American which, as the law states, means that Obama is an American.

I don't know, at least that's what the law states...I know that it's been hard for conservatives to follow lately.