Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Douche(s) #8: Bank of America, Bernie Marcus, and everyone else on the call on Oct. 17th.

Hey Kids,

Looks like we got another corporate wammy this week.  You know all those businesses that got massive amounts of bailout money last fall?  You know... the money taken from the income and payroll taxes from the labor sector of America?  Well turns out that after receive our generous gift turned around and hosted a conference call to kill a bill that would help a considerable number of laborers in the US.  

That's right.  Major league douchbag Bernie Marcus (started Home Depot and ignored the safety concerns of his own stores), corporate heads of Bank of America and AIG,  and conservative clowns like Rick Berman, all had a nice little chat on how to destroy the Employee Free Trade Act (EFTA).  The EFTA is arguably the biggest boon to labor since the New Deal and would remove many of the union-busting tactics that douchebags like Marcus have created over the last half-century.  


Three days after receiving $25 billion in federal bailout funds, Bank of America Corp. hosted a conference call with conservative activists and business officials to organize opposition to the U.S. labor community's top legislative priority.

Participants on the October 17 call -- including at least one representative from another bailout recipient, AIG -- were urged to persuade their clients to send "large contributions" to groups working against the Employee Free Trade Act (EFCA), as well as to vulnerable Senate Republicans, who could help block passage of the bill.

The article has links to the audio from the phone call.  It is quite revealing.

So kids, there you have it.  These clowns are willing to take billions of dollars in money from their employees' tax dollars and then turn around fight the same employees' ability to better their lives.  This is what the executive-level douchebags like Kenneth Lewis and Bernie Marcus  call "appreciation."  Mr. Burns would be proud.

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