Saturday, January 31, 2009

Douche #10: Glen Beck is a traitorous Douche who hates our country

Hey Kids,

So that Glen Beck, the drunk, racist and unpatriotic white fuck who cries about his ass-pains, had a brilliant idea the other day.  He openly stated on his F$%#ed News Channel show that he wanted California to be kicked out of the Union.  Why?   Because we well, dis-agree with his facist ideas.  You know... we care about our environment, respect others, etc.  

Crooks and Liars has the video if you can stomach it, but here's a transcript.

Beck: OK, there's something driving me to the edge of insanity, makes blood shoot right out my eyes, and that is California.

California today, they voted against offshore drilling. Not on their land, or their shore, no. They also voted last week to raise emissions standards because it's too smoggy there and they care about the trees. Also, uh, in the stimulus, we found out today, it appears as though Hollywood can get a, um, bailout, from you and me, because nobody's going to see their movies. Hmmph! You'd think maybe they should just make better movies, and then we'd all go. But no no, let's bail them all out.

The Civil War taught us that, apparently, U.S. states can't secede from the Union. I'd like to test that one again maybe sometime. But what I'd like to know is if the Union has the right to kick out states. Because if so, I'd like to take a star right out of our flag, and California is it.

He goes on to cut out slices from a cake shaped like the US, aiming at  the states he doesn't like (while making a crack calling his camera man fat... have you seen your ass lately Beck). 

Listen Beck, you're an ass.  A fucking little insignifciant asshole.  


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