Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Douche(s) #7: CitiGroup Executives!

Hello Kiddos,

Man was today a tough day for singling out an award winner. Between Pope Benedict reaching out to welcome back the anti-semitic fringe, torture survivor Grandpa Grumpy McCain thinking we need to "move on" from prosecuting American torturers, and Rove being his usual lying turd on the nit-wit Hannity's show, I had a hard time choosing. Unfortunately, calling the Pope a douche-bag might offend a significant (and armed) population, making fun of senile old folks is just plain improper, and well... let's face it... this isn't the worst crap we've heard from Turd Blossom and Hannity.

Luckily, I found this nice little tid-bity of douch-baggery. It appears that the dip-shits who put CitiGroup into financial crisis and flew to DC begging for a government hand out last year (probably after disparaging "welfare moms" while sipping martinis at their country club) have come up with a grand idea. After getting $45 billion in "bail-out funds," the best way these profoundly inept comunity college business majors could find to use the public-funds is to buy a $50 million private jet!

The plane, the Dassault Falcon 7X, is a luxurious jet with a range of 5,950 nautical miles (meaning it can fly from New York to all of Europe and South America, as far east as Riyadh, and as far west as Honolulu or Petropavlovsk, Russia). The Post reports it has "plush interior with leather seats, sofas and a customizable entertainment center."

The Dassault website describes the wide, generously appointed cabin, but says the "the airplane's most welcome feature may be Dassault's breakthrough environmental system." It touts "quieting acoustics" and advanced temperature monitoring that contribute to a more comfortable passenger experience.

I'm so glad these morons have come to the brilliant conclusion that, rather than increasing the liquidity of the money markets and stabilizing the them by increasing lending, the absolutely best way to use the tax-payers' money is to find a themselves sweet ride.

I say screw these douche-bags.... make the ENTIRE CitiGroup board of directors take Greyhound for all domestic travel from now on. You know, as a way of meeting all the kind folks who bought them a nice new jet.

: Looks like the Obama Administration felt the same way and forced CitiGroup to retract their plane plans. My guess is they sent Rahmbo after them. What a nice change from the last administration, who would have encouraged CitiGroup to buy 2 planes!

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