Thursday, December 18, 2008

Emergency Douche Post: A Dick Alert

Attention Kids: I'm going to have to issue an emergency post on the Daily Douche. From here on out, these shall be known as Dick Alerts in honor of our first recipient.

Dick Cheney (the man who TRULY lives up to his namesake), has recently announced that "Guantanamo has been run very well." This can mean one of either two things.

a) Dick has been living with his head in the sand for the past 7 years and somehow missed the Red Cross' reports detailing how horrible that place is.


b) Dick is truly a crass heartless traitor to humanity who probably admired dictators like Saddam for their draconian laws and punishments.

So which is it Dick? Are you an idiot or an asshole?

And where's my shoe?!

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