Saturday, December 6, 2008

Douche #1: John Ziegler

Welcome to the first post of The Daily Douches.  An online blog dedicating to pointing out all the douchebags that inhabit our society.  If you're listed as a douche and don't like it... go cry home to mama!

Today's douche (a.k.a.- Douchebag #1) is the right wing moron John Ziegler.  Ziegler is famous for talking out his ass most of the time and uses the Hannity-esque (future Douchebag on this blog) approach of talking over his opponents when he loses an argument.  

John recently had an all out argument with Nate Silver at 538 about a "poll" he contucted investigating the knowledge of Obama voters.  John's goal was to make Obama voters look uneducated about modern issues by asking misleading questions.  He did this basically as a way of making money by selling his "documentary" about the 2008 campaign.  Reading John's poll reveals that he was more concerned about how Republican talking points stuck to Obama voters.  Nate called him on it and Ziegler, the little douchebag, got a little testy (saying "go f%&@ yourself" is not healthy dialogue John). 

Now, I'll be honest.  I like Nate Silver's style and approach.  As someone trained in statistics, I like the rigorous and detailed way that Nate approaches data, whether it be baseball or political polls.  He's a pragmatist more than a hack.  The same cannot be said for John.  Instead John revels in ridicule and slander.  

Case in point.  If you can stomach it, check out this video of a "debate" between John and Nate.  Notice that Nate brings up specific problems whereas Douchbag #1 simply attacks Nate (and all "liberals") on a personal level.   

Why is it that a noted and accomplished statistician and pollwatcher is paired on equal playing ground with someone who just talks for a living and openly admits to having a strong political bias in his "thought" processes?  One of these two men has an IQ of below 70.  I'll let you take a gander as to who, but here's a hit... it's not Nate. 


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