Thursday, December 18, 2008

Douche #5: Sean Hannity

Hey Kids,

Today's Douche is nominated not because of anything in particular he has done today, more but as kind of a life-time achievement Douche award thanks to the folks over at Media Matters.  That's right, their winner is none other than Mr. I-talk-with-a-whiney-quasi-south-Boston-accent-so-you-wont-know-I-am-a-spoiled-rich-kid Sean Hannity (ding ding ding!).  Mr. Hannity was recently given the Misinformer of the Year award by MM for his numerous lies through the 2008 campaign.  

Who could forget such favorites as:

Trying to tie Obama to the Nation of Islam (to a racist like Sean, all African Americans are all the same)

Claiming Obama is the "most liberal senator".  Oddly the same label he applied to Kerry in 2004.  Apparently the Democratic party will only nominate the fringe elements to Mr. Insanity.

There are many others in the Media Matters report. It's a fun and frustrating read. I highly recommend it.  It paints the picture of a schoolyard bully who hides behind his Fox News podium to lie, cheat, and smear in order to make himself appear tough.

So let's all raise our shoes to the dishonerable, cowardly (come on... no replacement for the weak Colmes?), spoiled, rich turd that goes by the name Sean Hannity.  Ready.  Aim.  Shoe!


neuronimo said...

Whew, that was a good read. And a blast from the past. It will be interesting to see how such shameless liars behave in these early days of the new administration.

Will they become increasingly riled-up? If things do improve, will they acknowledge it?

There's really a deep psychological divide with these folks.. Perhaps some are misinformed, or some just conform, but those who actively lie and are hell-bent on their ideologies seem to have a combo of trauma and indoctrination.

T2 said...

My guess is that the Fox News Neo-Conservative Cabal will return to their agitator status of the 1990s. Theirs is a perspective of "might makes right" and doing anything necessary to regain power and control is, in their view, the ultimate moral right. This means that they will never admit they were wrong because it is a sign of weakness.

So expect more lies, innuendos, and slander for the next 4 years. Lets just hope that we stop all the armed listeners before they do anything truly stupid.